Shop and Compare Rates!
Our brokerage was founded on the philosophy that we feel it’s imperative to shop and compare Term Life Insurance rates!
Why? The answer is very simple: Term Life Insurance contracts are virtually identical from one company to the next, and it’s very likely you will outlive the policy, making it foolish to spend one more dime than you have to.
The policy contracts are regulated very strictly by the State Insurance Commissions in every state, and are virtually identical from one company to the next. If you were buying a pair of Levi Jeans that cost $39 at Target and $50 at Walmart, it would be a no brainer which pair to purchase. Just the same with Term Life Insurance, it makes sense to find the best price so you don’t pay more than necessary.
In the example below, we compared 20 Year Term Policies in the amount of $250,000 for a 50 Year Male, Preferred Plus Non Smoker. As you can see, the very best rate with Principal is $1275 per year, and the 10th best rate is with Mass Mutual at $1497 per year. The Mass Mutual premium is 17% more, or an extra $222 per year, which adds up to a total of more than $4,000 more over the life of the policy….for the EXACT same coverage.
Feel free to use our state of the art comparison Quote Engine to compare all the rates you want. Or call us if you want a more personalized quote, or need assistance in other areas!